Two Forge Connections Appointed to Governor’s Faith-Based Initatives Advisory Board!
Forge Alumna and Forge Board Member Both Appointed to Governor’s Faith-Based Initiatives Advisory Board!
Forge is thrilled to recognize that two individuals who are a big part of the Forge Network and ministry have been appointed to help lead and equip Ohio’s government, faith-based, and non-profit communities. Forge alumna State Representative Jena Powell and Forge board member Chip Weiant have been appointed by House Speaker Larry Householder to serve on Governor DeWine’s Faith-Based Initiatives Advisory Board.
The purpose of the office is to build a strong network of compassion in Ohio within the faith-based and nonprofit sector that serves as a safety net for Ohioans in temporary need.
“Faith and community are an important part of my life,” Representative Powell shared in a press release, “and I am thrilled to serve on the Governor’s Advisory Board of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives on behalf of my community and our state.”

Powell, the youngest serving member of the Ohio General Assembly and a founding volunteer and alumna of the first Forge Leadership Summit and Mentorship Class (2015-2016) will begin her first term as vice chair of the board and provide counsel to Governor DeWine’s gifted office director, Dr. Michele Reynolds. Forge board member Chip Weiant will begin his 5th House Speaker appointment term and 16th year overall serving as a veteran House independent voice on the board. Weiant has led and served in the business, non-profit, and faith-based sectors and is currently a senior fellow at both the Sagamore Institute for Public Policy and the BBB National Center for Character Ethics.
Inspired by the Bush White House Office of Faith-Based Initiatives in 2000, Weiant urged and supported former State Representative John White and his legislative assistant Stephanie Ranade Krider (now executive director of Ohio Right to Life) to craft the enabling legislation to establish the Ohio Faith-Based Office.

The governor’s office remains one of only two such statutory offices in the nation and has become one of the most enduring faith-friendly public policy-creating spaces in the nation (according to the Center for Public Justice in Washington, D.C.).
We are very proud of Chip and Jena and trust that they will serve the state of Ohio with vision and integrity!
God Bless and Stay Healthy,
Adam Josefczyk
Forge Leadership Network
Co-Founder & President
P.S. Want Forge to serve and equip a young person you know? Recommend them now for our Leadership Summit in Columbus, OH in July.