“Hardship will come, but it will not overcome.” – Independence Day Reflection from Forge Alumna Bess Blackburn
Bess Blackburn is a law student at Liberty University, Academy Fellow at The Heritage Foundation, and Forge Mentorship Academy graduate. She currently serves as an editor-in-chief of the Liberty University Journal of Statesmanship and Public Policy. Here is her reflection on what Independence Day means to her:
I hear so many people talk about how worried they are for our nation. Lawlessness abounds. Unrest reigns. Censorship dictates.
As a young person, many older people tell me that they wish I knew what it was like in the good old days of America, before 9/11, before the pandemic, before the takeover of American values.
While I understand this sentiment, I do not share it.
These are great days. They are the days of great valor, of great trust, of great love for God and country. In the midst of hardship, we have prevailed. In the midst of evil, we have proclaimed righteousness. In the midst of fear, we have sought the truth.
I am privileged to know that I am but one of many who has great hope for our nation. I am but one of many ready and willing to pledge my life, my fortune, and my sacred honor to a generation I will not see. And many of us are children ourselves.
Hardship will come, but it will not overcome. This is not a blind optimism, but a profound, sustaining, enduring hope.
Happy Independence Day, America. May God shed His grace on us, as we endeavor to shed His grace on thee. 🇺🇸
We hope you enjoy your Independence Day weekend and remember this message of hope as you celebrate your freedom with friends and family!
Jeremiah D. Martin
Forge Leadership Network
Chief Operating Officer